Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 92 - A Room With A View - 08.21.11

So what is this photo all about. I know if just looks like lazy photography. In a way it is and in a way it isn't. I've actually had this photograph or some version on it in the back of my mind for a long time. When I started this blog I of course asked myself would I be able to take a photograph every day. I thought about if I was out of town, I could bring my laptop and then all I would need is internet. I also thought about if I was sick. Now just let me say that I usually get sick a couple times a year. I get the same respiratory infection that starts in my head and throat and then moves to my lungs. It almost always lasts a few days and when it moves to my chest that's usually when I end up in bed all day. Today was that day. I was up for a few hours in the morning, but then I pretty much laid in bed, all day napping here and there. The one thing I really didn't have to worry about was this photo, which brings me back to when I first started this blog. I thought about what kind of photo could I take from my bed. The ceiling perhaps? Don't laugh, that could be still to come. The closet? Who knows? The view from my bed looking out the window. Bingo. I thought it would capture the essence of this blog. It was something I definitely saw today. In fact this view I saw just about all day long. As you can see I was stuck inside on a beautiful blue sky day. Hopefully was the worst of it and tomorrow I'll start to mend. We'll see. Today however this window view was something I saw today.

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