Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Day 3945 - Bob Marley And The Wailers "Catch A Fire" LP - 03.09.22

This Bob Marley album is the record I listened to today for the 1001 albums list.  I wrote the following to my friends.  

I was going to write that I thought this was another album that this was the first album that I owned by the artist, but upon reflection I think this was the first Bob Marley album I bought on CD. I had a tape of Rastaman Vibration in high school that was definitely the first album that I bought. I played that tape to death. Then I got "Catch A Fire" on CD in college and I listened to that a lot. That was early days for my CD collection and do wife fewer CD options this got a lot of spins back in the day. This album has a lot of classics. For me who has listened to this album so many times basically every song is a classic to me by now. For me there are no bad tracks and every single one is as familiar to me as any track from a Beatles album. At this point I don't even know which songs are the big tracks to the outside world. Obviously "Stir It Up" is probably the most recognizable song. I believe that is on the compilation album "Legend" which seems like the Bob Marley album almost everyone has owned at some point. But to me tracks like "Concrete Jungle", "400 Years", "Stop That Train" and "Kinky Reggae" are just as classic, but they aren't on Legend so I don't know of their status among the general public. I don't know what else to write about this album other than it is essential listening for sure and it is a nice album to start off the day. For that matter it is also a nice album to end the day. It just has a nice vibe to wind down the day.

This is something I saw today.

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