Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 2113 - Colorful Sunrise - 03.04.17

Thursday I walked down to the Goodwill at lunch and I didn't bring any money.  I saw 2 records that I wanted to buy and so I put them at the bottom of a stack of records and hoped they'd be there Friday.  Friday I walked down with money in my pocket and not only was I pleased to find that the two records were still there, but there were a whole bunch of new records that were not there the day before.  There were some Beatles, Stones and Zeppelin records in pretty good condition.  There were some others as well, so I ended up walking back a box of records one mile to the office.  This morning I woke up before dawn and opened my recently purchased record cleaner and I cleaned records for a couple hours.  In the middle of that process I looked out the window and caught an amazing sunrise.  Now I'll be honest and confess that I have tweaked the colors here to be more pink and purple than they were.  It was more orange.  But still.  Gorgeous.  This is something I saw today.

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