Sunday, September 30, 2018

Day 2688 - Annihilation - 09.30.18

I missed Annihilation when it was in the theaters, but I really wanted to see it.  Based on the director and the word of mouth I bought the Blu-Ray and enjoyed watching it this weekend.  This is something I saw today.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Day 2687 - Aldi - 09.29.18

Today we drove down to Buena Park to go to a warehouse sale for furniture.  We found some chairs we have been wanting.  Actually they are just additional chairs for our already existing four dining room tulip chairs.  Since we were in Buena Park we drove over to Portillo's to pick up some Italian beef to bring home and some lunch.  We discovered there was an Aldi across the street so we went in there first and did some shopping.  I love going to new grocery stores and a store like Aldi is an absolute treat because they have all kinds of foods you don't get at other stores.  I wish one would open up closer to us in Burbank.  This is something I saw today.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Day 2686 - Stick on Car - 09.28.18

This sticker was on the car parked in front of me this morning.  This is something I saw today.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day 2685 - Manhattan Beach Martin L Ganz Memorial Highway Sign - 09.27.18

I took this photo put my car window on the exit ramp to Manhattan Beach this morning.  This is something I saw today.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Day 2684 - La Croix Water - 09.26.18

We've been buying a lot of La Croix recently.  So tasty.  This is something I saw today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Day 2683 - Popcorn Tin - 09.25.18

This is a tin of popcorn that was given to our family.  The gamesman theme doesn't really fit out family style, but popcorn certainly does.  This is something I saw today.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 2682 - Stack of Horror DVDs - 09.24.18

I could start this post by saying it is almost the Halloween season, but lets be real.  For me it started many weeks ago.  I have a stack of movies out to have at the ready for viewing in the evening.  This is something I saw today.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Day 2681 - Huntington Library Sticker - 09.23.18

This is the sticker I got yesterday for admission to the Huntington Library.  It is stick to the inside of my camera backpack.  This is something I saw today.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Day 2680 - A Kiss - 09.22.18

Today we went to the Huntington Library to take some engagement photos with my son and his fiancé.   In the evening we went to Alpine Village for a German feast and some excellent people watching as the place turned into an old folks disco.  It was a long, but wonderful day.  This kiss is something I saw today.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Day 2679 - Alley Couch - 09.21.18

This couch was in the alley next to my house waiting to be picked up.  This is something I saw today.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Day 2678 - The Style Council "Promised Land" - 09.20.18

I didn't bring this record in to work.  However I saw it on the shelf and decided to photograph it.  You can see that the section of the shelf behind it has a lot of space.  That is because that section is usually filled with 12-inch singles, but I brought a bunch of them in to work this week.  This is something I saw today.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 2677 - The Cure - "Lullabye" 7-inch - 09.19.18

Here is another record I brought in for my friend to check out.  Classic.  This is something I saw today.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Day 2676 - Bat Cave Young Limbs - 09.18.18

I have a friend at work who has been doing a DJ set at some bar on the weekends.  They have him do an eighties set and so he has been on the hunt for eighties dance music with a focus on alternative and slightly darker music.  I thought about this record and so I am bringing this along with a stack of 12 inch records in for him to take a look and give him some ideas of records to hunt down.  This is something I saw today.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Day 2675 - Witch Pencil Skateboard Pencil Sharpener - 09.17.18

I've had this pencil sharpener for many, many years.  I had to dig it up this past weekend when I was working on my Halloween drawing.  This is something I saw today.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Day 2674 - Lummi Stick Fun - 06.16.18

Another record from Utah for my wife.  Still need to listen to this and digitize it.  Too many records and not enough time.  This is something I saw today.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Day 2673 - Scary Trick Or Treat Door - 09.15.18

I got up before dawn to make some artwork for this year's Halloween mix.  I had a concept in my mind and I took some photo reference with some toys and then started drawing.  This is what I ended up with.  I was initially thinking there would be a demon or monster in the doorway, but then I came up with this upside down crucifix idea and thought that the unseen was scarier.  This is something I saw today.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Day 2671 - Monster Truck - 09.13.18

Today at work there were a couple monster trucks brought in.  This is something I saw today.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Day 2670 - Dr. Horrible and Other Horrible Stories - 09.12.18

This is one of many comics we keep out on the shelf under our coffee table.  We have a variety of comic books always at the ready to enjoy.  I took it out for a photo today.  This is something I saw today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Day 2669 - Fuzzy Memories - 09.11.18

My wife was digging through some old things recently and found this old chestnut of a book.  We read a few of the stories for laughs.  Still funny.  This is something I saw today.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Day 2668 - Ghost "Prequelle" - 09.10.18

My son got the new Ghost CD and lent it to me to digitize.  I did that today.  This is something I saw today

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Day 2667 - L.I.F.E. Living Is Fitness Exercise - 09.09.18

This record is hands down the greatest find out of all the records from Utah.  Sure I found The Cure and Escape From New York, but those were known quantities.  This is a record I paid 50 cents for and had no idea what I was getting.  I was expecting some corny exercise stuff with maybe some cheeseball music.  However what I got in addition to some cheeseball music are a couple of outstanding tracks. One is sort of a Acid Jazz world music type of thing and the last track on the record is a rocking funky number.  On one side of the record you get the song with Tanya Everett talking over it giving exercise instructions, but on side two you get the songs without her.  The last track is for the exercise called Buns Bounce.  When I first heard the song I played it over and over like 3 times immediately.  It is basically a library track and the kind of track I think collector dig for.  This album was a two record set, but this one I found at the thrift store only had the second record.  I went online to see if I could buy the record and quickly discovered that the record goes for some bucks online.  It seems like I am not the only one who has discovered what a hidden treasure this album is.  I am sort of bummed that I don't have the first record because I am dying to hear it.  I can't find any of the tracks on youtube or any other site.  Some day I hope to find it.  This is something I saw today.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Day 2666 - Onion Rings from The Hat - 09.08.18

My wife and I went to The Hat in Pasadena this afternoon.  We had never been there before.  We had some amazing pastrami sandwiches and some onion rings.  Here are the rings.  This is something I saw today.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Day 2665 - Bowmar Fun and Fitness - 09.07.18

Here is a kid's exercise record.  Love this photo on the cover.  This is something I saw today.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Day 2664 - I Have A Song For You About Animals - 09.06.18

Another record from Utah.  We bought a bunch of children's records. There were a lot of records that seemed to belong to a music teacher and we picked up a lot of them for my wife.  This is something I saw today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Day 2663 - Mickey Sees The U.S.A. - 09.05.18

We found this book in Utah.  It is beat up and not in great condition, but is has great illustrations.  It is a book about Mickey and Mini traveling across the U.S.A. and seeing the sites.  It is wonderful.  This is something I saw today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Day 2662 - The Cure "The Top" - 09.04.18

Yes, I found this in Utah for a not so crazy price.  Great record.  I am slowly building my cure collection on vinyl.  This is something I saw today.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Day 2661 - War Of The Worlds - 09.03.18

This is a record that I only really heard of in recent years, but I had never heard it before.  I found it in Utah and listened to it this weekend.  It is absolutely fantastic.  This is something I saw today.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Day 2660 - Little People Dog - 09.02.18

We found this Little People Dog in Utah at an antique mall.  I love the old little people toys.  This is something I saw today.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Day 2659 - King Tut Treasure - 09.01.18

Today my wife and I went to the California Science Center to see the King Tut exhibit.  It was pretty cool seeing all those ancient treasures.  The other highlight was going to see the Endeavor.  That was pretty cool to see up close.  This is something I saw today.